sooooooooooo...are we ready for another drink and draw session..NO!. oh yeah. well tough cookie, here comes another session of drink and draw! yup this next sunday.
this weeks poster was drawn by the lovely iryna elochkina. not too shabby, right! wanna give her thanks for taking the time to sketch something up for it.
i want to see more faces this go around. lets get this thing kickin! if anyone has suggestions or ideas for drink and draw dont hesitate to post them up on the main page.
i am still tossing the idea of meeting up at a hookah bar for one of the sessions. the weather is starting to get really nice out there. but we dont have to many days like this before it gets hot. to hang out on the patio. plus i would have to find one around the same area.
i wanna give thanks to all those that are coming in strong and supporting drink and draw every time we meet up.
ok. words for inspiration.
mayonaise, fight, rights, oil, burn, rainstorm, wind, owl, falling, sky, instant
i guess we;ll see you sunday!