Monday, December 13, 2010

Drink and Draw 37: Year's End

yo! we got our last drink and draw of the year!!

to avoid the messed up confusion of the last one.

we will hold it at the flying saucer as usual. but just in case! they have it booked for a private party we will meet up at sherlock's its located right behind the flying saucer across the street.

thats where we met up last time.
i do want to apologize that did come and turned back around. (i know atleast some did this.)

you can also call me with questions. 432 352 5313 or if you get lost or something.

well lets end this year right! for those i dont get to see before the end of the year. have a good holiday and a happy new years

Sunday, December 19 · 6:30pm - 9:30pm

LocationThe Flying Saucer
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Monday, November 29, 2010

Drink and Draw 36: Cold Turkey

well. since i got some messages of people going through withdrawl symptoms from drink and draw. we will have one this sunday. also that way we can squeeze in 2 more sessions before end of year. thats why its called cold turkey and cause of thanksgiving left overs. GET IT!!!! MAN I'M CLEVER!

ok well i guess i;ll see ya this coming sunday!

Sunday, December 5 · 6:30pm - 9:30pm

LocationThe Flying Saucer
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Monday, November 22, 2010


happy thanksgiving. hope you spend it with family and friends. and are grateful for everything you have, ya ingrates!

we will be skipping drink and draw this sunday in observance of the thanksgiving.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Drink and Draw 35: Getting Colder

ok. kiddos another drink and ddraw session coming up.

i have been swamped with work. so i didnt get a poster drawn up. i will crank one out tonight.

we the syndicate have started a discussion on creating an artbook for drink and draw. for those that want to participate. get your noodle going. we will discuss the details on how what and when. we will try to shoot for a deadline of early next year.

that is all i have for now.

Sunday, November 14 · 6:30pm - 9:30pm

LocationThe Flying Saucer
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Drink and Draw 34: Halloween

All right suckas! we got another drink and draw event on sunday which is also halloween. if you got costumes and wanna wear them you can if you;d like to.

this past saturday we had the drawing at the zoo event. got to meet some artists and saw some faces there from drink and draw. hope to do it again.

i am looking for a studio to hold figure drawing sessions in. if anyone has a studio or knows of a place. it would be great to know. maybe work something out.

well, thats it for now. i hope you have a good weekend and to see ya next week for drink and draw!!


Sunday, October 31 · 6:30pm - 9:30pm

Locationflying saucer
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Drink and Draw 33: Sketchtober

all right all right all right all right another drink and draw coming up ya;ll! it is sketchtober. cause i said so. i made it up myself. pretty clever right... so, lets get this going. we had a pretty good turn out last week. lets keep it up. we had a themed sketch thing. i think it went pretty swell. matthew did a great job of photoing the event. i need to start doing that myself. (keep telling myself that.)

in other news we have that zoo thing, with the animals in the cages, and the pencils and the snacks and the sketchbooks. ABOSG invited us out there. get a chance to hone our skills on drawing animals and life. its also a great opportunity to meet fellow artist and stuff...for more info go here.

well this weeks fantastic poster was drawn by matthew ryan roberts. thats right ladies and gentlemen he has 3 first names. i wanna thank him for volunteering his talents and skills for this weeks poster flyer notifier thing. its in color on top of that! can check his stuff out here.
again thank you very much matthew its much appreciated.

everyone have a good night and week. and see ya sunday.

Sunday, October 17 · 6:30pm - 9:30pm

LocationThe Flying Saucer
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

ABOSG present: A Day of Drawing from Life at the Dallas Zoo

we got a special invitation from ABOSG team to join them.

"ABOSG heads to the Dallas Zoo for a day of drawing from life! We're bringing in the areas' top life drawing instructors, animators, and artists to teach us how to draw the most interesting creatures on this side of the Sahara Desert. Space is limited, so please purchase your tickets in advance. Ticket price includes zoo admission, drawing instruction, bottled water, and light snacks.For more information concerning carpools, please email Amy at"

i would love to have some Drink and Draw DFW thugs to show up and represent and let the world know of our presence here in the metroplex. i will be there! WILL YOU!!

Saturday, October 23 · 10:00am - 2:00pm

LocationDallas zoo
650 S RL Thornton Freeway
Dallas, TX

Monday, September 27, 2010

Drink and Draw 32: Deadline

yo yo yo yoyooooooo!!!! sorry for the delayed invite. but i am only human. and lazy... so check it. we;s gonna try to do a themed drawing this time around for those who want to participate. we will get everyone to think of a noun and an action. then radomly select them. and we will draw that action. naw mean! hopefully it will be fun. lets push ourselves to do some finished sketches so we can an oppurtunity to be in the drink and draw sketchbook. and if we dont get selected. maybe we can get together to do one for the DFW area.

as always thanks for supporting the group. help spread the word about drink and draw invite your friends cousins and sisters. ya have a good week and see ya sunday.

wanna give my gratitude to jamel jones for taking the time to create this sessions flyer sketch. vury nice! thanks!!

check out his work. here.

flying saucer
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Sunday, September 19, 2010

drink and draw success!

sweet we had another great session of drink and draw. we got a volunteer to draw the next flyer. and for the next session we will do a theme. to try to get people involved in the same subject matter and share our drawings. for a goal to keep in mind is lets try to do some finished sketches so we can get some work into a sketchbook. for drink and draw here in dallas and also the main book. i am hopeing by doing a subject drawing we will share each others artwork and try to explain our creative process. also to help to get everyone to know each other and communicate with one another. not that we are not doing all ready but on a creative level. or maybe i am just talking out of my ass here. either way it should be fun!

thanks for all the support and lets keep this going!!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Drink and Draw 31: Autumn

all right! i am ready for some drink and draw. this next sunday lets get ready. i will reinstate the drink and draw flyer raffle. for those who want to volunteer their talents to draw a flyer for drink and draw.

as far as news i got nothing. if anyone has news to announce. post them on the wall on the drink and draw page. i still havent really seen anyone sharing artwork on our page. would really love if we shared work on the page, even if it isnt drawn at the drink and draw sessions.

uuuuuuuuuuuuhm. i think that is all i have for now.
thanks for everyones support and have a great week!!!!!!

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Drink and Draw DFW 30: Pop Quiz

ok. so here we go again. i know its labor day weekend. but i decided we should still hold a meeting. i know everyone doesnt go out of town. so we will do this for those that stay in town. personally i will be out. but i am pretty sure you guys can handle it.

i also want to reinstate the volunteer lottery of drawing the drink and draw flyers.

so i think if jose (the other jose) will be in he can get this taken care of. if not someone just volunteer and let me know who was the lucky one.

welp, lets make this a good one!!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

drink and draw 29: Mighty Risky

yo! Check it!

we got another drink and draw session coming up next week. hope to see your faces there.

also next week on Saturday. we got that table at the DWEX ( please come by and support our indie comic creators and to check out what is out there in the underground scene.

for this that wanted to use the table, just buy your badges at the show when you show up. just tell them you are with drink and draw, and we will get you setup. bring your art and skills to sell.

hope you see you guys at the show and aswell as the meeting!!!

Monday, August 2, 2010

Drink and Draw 28: hot august night

ok. more drink and draw coming our way.

i will try to get the table for the Dallas Webcomics Expo this week.
whoever wants to join in. should tell me by wednesday. so i know how many badges to order. (

i think that is the latest news so far.

also, i am wanting to push you guys to try to post your artwork on the drink and draw wall.

the O.G. drink and draw from l.a. is gonna be looking at artwork drawn from all the other chapters around the nation to drop into their book (next years most likely). its a great chance to get some exposure and get your name out there.
but the only way this is gonna happen is if you show up to the meetings and post your artwork on this wall for them peeps to see whats out there.
(i am not in charge of making the decisions on what goes in the book i am just a messenger.)

so there you have it. lets get to drawing!

some words of inspiration.
bacteria, black, rapids, flow, dragon, burnt, panic, edge

Sunday, July 25, 2010

drink and draw swag!

we are selling crap to help fund drink and draw. so we can get models to do some life drawings. and get some official drink and draw glasses made. and other cool things for the club.

imagine the drink and draw pin up on a button, magnets, stickers, and even some apparel. now after you imagine it. buy it. hehahaaaaaa! do it.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Drink and Draw 27: Heat Index

all right all right all right all riht allrighrnlnmioer...

lets get ready for another session of this drink and draw fools!
lets enjoy the evening and get out of the heat, enjoy an ice cold beverage of choice and enjoy good company.

we had a great session last time. and hope to keep the great vibes we come to share.

words of inspiration is.

cap, heat, triple digits, flat, broken glass, turtle, rock
Locationthe flying saucer dallas
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Monday, July 5, 2010

Drink and Draw DFW 26: keeping it real

bring your pencils and your pads, its time for drink and draw!!! sorry for the late notice. i am out of town.
didnt have time to crank out a poster.

i took some photos instead.

hope everyone had a great 4th. and lets meet up at the flying saucer again.
i really liked it last session. very chilled.

welp. see ya later.

words of inspiration.

cactus, flood, air, stones, tarantulas, mud, pump jack

Sunday, July 11, 2010
6:30pm - 10:30pm
Flying Saucer Dallas
14999 Montfort Dr
Dallas, TX

Drink and Draw 25: Cowboys & Aliens

we are moving to a fresh scene. we are gonna see what the flying saucer has to offer. i have personally never been there but lets find out shall we!! its the one near addisson. adison addison adisson...!

our poster was drawn by none other than dave sisk. a talented artist indeed!
thanks to him to his painterly pin up of our drink and draw cowgirl.

lets see if we can get a collabrotive comic strip going that night. we will start it early so we can get everyone involved. this is where someone starts a panel and the next person draws the next panel and telling a story of whatever the first person comes up with. should be pretty wild. CRAZY!!

words of enlightenment.

foo fighter, black oil, spill, humidity, summer, capacitive, warp drive, temporal, wisdom, backside

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Drink and Draw 24: Changes

let us drink and draw!!

ok. this is the first drink and draw of the summer.
so i want to make some changes. like the location and lets throw around some ideas for drink and draw. let us make this a productive drink and draw meeting.

so if you want to help mold drink and draw into something that you want this will be the time.

the main thing lets find another location for our meetings. i am pretty bored with big racks. and its not really such a cool environment. lets brainstorm and find some cool new places to have our meetings. i am also thinking we can change the location. every once in awhile to keep things fresh. for example. right now its pretty darn hot. so if someone knows of a cool ice cream parlor that has decent seating we can go to to we can hold meetings there.

another point i want to discuss. is sponsorship or fund raising. so we can bring in models for life drawing. i will have to research where we can get a model and how much they charge and a place for this to happen. (if anyone has info on would be much obliged.)

if anyone else has ideas of things to do. other activities. maybe one sunday we could have an early drink and draw session at a park or at the zoo. these are things i would like to do to make things fresh and more interesting.

as awlays thanks for the support. drink and draw has been going on for over a year now. thanks for everything making this possible. so lets start thinking of ideas to make this more interesting. this is for you and everyone interested in art.

again thanks for the support.

jose. ramirez.

this weeks poster is drawn andez gaston. one of the gaston twins. he is a talented concept artist and illustrator. he does freelance on the side while still serving in the military. he is based in japan as we speak. i give a big thanks to him and his brother for supporting our drink and draw program from such distance. check out some of their work here.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Drink and Draw 23: Extra Mayo!

sooooooooooo...are we ready for another drink and draw session..NO!. oh yeah. well tough cookie, here comes another session of drink and draw! yup this next sunday.

this weeks poster was drawn by the lovely iryna elochkina. not too shabby, right! wanna give her thanks for taking the time to sketch something up for it.

i want to see more faces this go around. lets get this thing kickin! if anyone has suggestions or ideas for drink and draw dont hesitate to post them up on the main page.
i am still tossing the idea of meeting up at a hookah bar for one of the sessions. the weather is starting to get really nice out there. but we dont have to many days like this before it gets hot. to hang out on the patio. plus i would have to find one around the same area.

i wanna give thanks to all those that are coming in strong and supporting drink and draw every time we meet up.

ok. words for inspiration.
mayonaise, fight, rights, oil, burn, rainstorm, wind, owl, falling, sky, instant

i guess we;ll see you sunday!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Drink and Draw 22: Mother May I


its time for another drink and draw!
we had some fun the last time. lets see we can do it again!

for this next session we are bringing back the draw for guest artist for poster flyer thing.

this weeks guest artist hasnt actually shown up to any of the drink and draws in person. be has been there in spirit. all the way from japan!! Aderson Gaston famously known as one of the gaston bros. artists. we went to school together at the Art instute here in dallas.

they are serving as navy corpsman serving the marines as we speak and are stationed there in japan. when they are not defending our freedom. they do freelance work on the off time. they are very talented and are good people to know.
if they have a website to link up here. i will post that as soon as possible. i forgot to ask them to see if they had one. so a big thanks for anderson for providing this wicked illustration for the flyer.

EDIT: here is a link to check out more art work from them.

k. time for some inspriation.

wind, sun, commitment, forever, union, kick ass, hardcore, tiger, bear, saint, scottish, dirt

Monday, April 12, 2010

Drink and Draw 21: Sin Frontera

yo yo yo yo yo yo~~~~~~~!,... so lets get this started. we had a little bumpy ride last time, on account of the easter. but i think we are all back on track now. i wanna thanks for those who did show up to easters drink and draw! glad you can make it, and show that dedication to make this thing happen!! (applause!) big ups to you.

soooooo. here we go its another round of drink and draw. we will get back to doing the drawing to see who draws the next poster for up and coming events. and we will go from there. oh i think its gonna be a year for the start up of drink and draw DFW coming here quick. so i wanna give everyone a heads up on that, and thank everyone who have made this possible. i will see if i can do something special for that occassion.

without further ado, our words of inspiration.

elevated, light headed, sand, constant turbulance, wind, dry, drunk, ocean, beautiful, serene, black, vast, abyss, gargantuan, miracle, supernatural

o.k. there you have it, we will meet up this coming sunday. hope to see you guys there!!!!!!!!!!

jose (che-che) ramirez

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Drink and Draw 20

yeah! drink and draw!!!

we have been doing good. lets keep it up!
this is the 20th drink and draw we have held since last year. we are still going strong. army strong! tom strong!!!

this is april a fresh month lets get this month started right!!

i wanna thanks jose esquivel for drawing our drink and draw poster for this event!! (applause)

check his stuff out here and there.

very nice stuff! indeed!

double down, cactus, southwest, nothing to lose, journey, embark, coast, beach, freedom

i wont be here for this one, like the poster says i will be going out of town. vacation time!!! but i asked those that was at the last meeting and they said they can handle drink and draw without me for one night so enjoy the night and do me proud! also dont burn down the building while i am out and make sure to turn off the stove when ya leave.

again thanks for making this possible. if ya want to you can have another drawing to see who will draw the next poster. excluding esquivel cause he just did it. again its only volunteer, you dont have to do it. but it is fun!!
who ever wants to take helm can do this. and just tell me who is the lucky one. you have one week to complete teh poster.)

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Drink and draw dfw Meeiting, Blue Ruin

drink and draw DFW meeting this sunday!!!

for those interested we will be picking straws to see who will draw the next poster flier thing for drink and draw. its a new thing i thought up of. every week we will have someone different drawing our little cowgirl for the drink and draw announcements!! it will be a good way for everyone to see a your artwork. to see how well you can flex them artistic skills.

we did have a great crowd for the last session. saw some new faces. hopefully will get some new faces this go around for our ever growing drink and draw group!!

see ya sunday at big racks barbecue!

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Drink and Draw 18: DEVASTATION!!

sorry i forgot to post last weeks meeting, but anywho!

here is the next one. its on March 7, 2010.

look for us on facebook. and on twitter.